Which Is The Most Beautiful Relationship In The World. Top 4(Ranked)

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Some are fulfilled with being married and others by having their family or best friends beside them. nonetheless, you have to look at who makes you happy. Below we will be looking at the most beautiful relationship in the world, and the other three best relationships that follow.

So let’s get right into answering the question, Which is the most beautiful relationship in the world?

Being in a romantic relationship with your best friend is the most beautiful relationship in the world. As the foundations of the relationship are based on kindness, respect, and loyalty. Best friend romances are best because the friendship part will be there for you when love ceases to be.

A Romantic relationship with your best friend in my opinion is the greatest relationship, but however, don’t let that be the final decision. You decide what’s the best relationship. Read down below as I will be talking about the top four most beautiful relationships in the world.

The 4 Best Relationships In the World (Ranked From Best)

1) A Romantic Relationship With Your Bestfriend

There is no right or wrong answer towards what is the most beautiful relationship in the world, you have to look at what works for you. But, what I can say about myself and other people is that coupling or marrying your best friend works beautifully.

Now you may ask “what’s the difference between a Romantic relationship with your best friend and a normal Romantic relationship”?

Below I will mention 5 reasons why a romantic relationship with your best friend is more superior to just being in a romantic relationship

1. You Are More Yourself In The Relationship

Because you already know each other, there is no more being self-conscious or shy.

2. You are Familiar With Eachothers Bad Side.

Spending more time with each other allows you to be more accepting of each other, as you have both become more understanding and familiar with each other’s faults and insecurities.

Friendship love has more patience, that’s because you know them like the back of your hand. Romance love on the other hand can be aggressive and impatient.

3. Less Damaging Fights and Disagreements

All relationships have disagreements or fights in them, it’s totally normal.

Fights in a normal relationship end in contempt and a grudge over their spouse for a long period of time. But however, in best friend romances the fight and disagreement can much more easily spiral towards forgiveness and playful joking.

4. You Have Too many Inside Jokes That No One Understands

The best part is that once you get in a relationship with your best friend there are plenty more jokes and messing around.

Inventing inside jokes and facial expressions that you and your partner will understand will just bring a whole different connection than any other type of relationship

5. You Dont Look For Sparks, You Find All The Happiness With Eachother

Romantic love looks for just excitement and new adventures together in order to keep their love alive. But however, friendship love finds the spark with just spending time with your love and being comfortable with each other.

2) Friendship

Friendships can be the greatest joy in life. Unlike romantic partnerships, friendships are free from exclusivity. Meaning that you are free to live life how you want to, talk to who you want to, with the people closest to you.

True friendships are free from censorship, vulnerabilities, fears, and all our craziness is excepted by our closest friends.

Not everyone including your family and even sometimes your romantic partner can not hold and accept your madness and truest self. True friendships accept you for who you are.

When you get to a certain age you start to label your friends as your real family. There was actually a study done by TIME magazine which proved this.

“A study of “70,000 people in nearly 100 countries, author William Chopik found that both family and friend relationships were associated with better health and happiness overall. But at advanced ages, the link remained only for people who reported strong friendships.


Check out this video on Youtube about Aristotle’s Timeless Advice on What Real Friendship Is and Why It Matters

3) Marriage

Did you know that almost 50 percent of all marriages in the United States end in divorce or separation? These days marriage has received a volcanic backlash and controversy regarding its importance in people’s lives.

A vast majority of people including me have a crystal clear image of what marriage is, and that being, it’s this idea of a man and a woman getting into a relationship for life. With all that being said, no one stopped to ask what the real purpose of marriage is?

  1. Friendship: Man was not meant to be alone. Man and women had to be together and to support each other.
  2. Growth and Prosperity: For man and women to come together and make something of what they have.
  3. Sexuality: To express to eachother and enjoy eachothers sexuality
  4. Family: To be fruitfull and to multiply

Marriage is a beautiful concept, in which a man and women form not just a physical union but an emotional and spiritual union. It provides an opportunity to grow in selflessness as you serve your wife and children.

“Marriage is a symbolism for the beginning – the beginning of family and is a life-long commitment”.

4) Relationship With Your Family

From being born we have been dependent on them for protection and providing for our needs. They are our role models in how we experience the world around us, and how we act in it.

Family is the single most important influence in a child’s life.

Many studies have determined that family relationships greatly influence people throughout their life. Notably, the relationships formed during early childhood. That is because the relationship we form with our family is the first relationship we experience in life.

Positive or negative parenting has a direct relationship with how it shapes us towards becoming adults. 

Curious if a relationship with your cousin is possible? Check this article out on dating your cousin.

Are Relationships Important In Life?

Many of us go unnoticed of the effect the closest people have on us in our day-to-day lives. Friendships and relationships shape our lives in countless many ways.

There is a deep power in relationships, friendships, and the connections we have with people. I believe relationships are the most powerful force in our lives.

Science has actually proven to us, that if you want to live a longer and happier life you should have good relationships and friendships.

How Do Healthy Friendships and Relationships Help?

1) Live longer: Studies have been shown that a healthy relationship can add 3 years to life expectancy.

2) Dealing with stress: Studies showed that when respondents were reminded of there close friends they recovered faster from those stressful situations.

3) Healthier: According to research, college students who reported having strong relationships were half as likely to catch a common cold. Compared to those that were single or with less friends

4) Feeling richer: Research has shown that doubling your circle of friends has the same effect as a increase in income.

5) Friends account to your success: A positive circle of friends can account for as 90% of your success in life

Thanks to the University of Minnesota

Memories and moments in life are all shared with the people closest to us.

Consider if I asked you what was the best memory in your life? you would most like say that it was shared with one of your friends. And if they weren’t, Wouldnt your friends be the first to hear you share your amazing stories?

Which Is The Purest Relationship In The World?

All relationships can be beautiful. But the question here is, which is the purest form of relationship in the world?

In order to answer this question, we have to break down this question.

‘Pure’ is defined as being wholesome and free from immorality.

So what could that be? What comes to mind, is simply mothers’ love. Mothers’ love is the purest and most unconditional love that there is, in most cases.

Mothers serve and give to their children unconditionally.

It’s the craziest thing to see. Very often I question myself on what did I do to deserve such a mother. In all honesty, I don’t have the best relationship with my mother, I don’t give her many gifts and sometimes I can be a huge drag. With all that, she still puts on a smile and there isn’t a single thing she wouldn’t do for me.

We often feel that we’ve experienced true love many times in our lives. But we often confuse and associate love with passion, lust, and greed.

The Truest and purest love at its core is the act of giving unconditionally.

What Does Unconditional Love Mean?

Simply put, unconditional love is love without any strings attached. It’s love you offer freely. You don’t base it on what someone does for you in return.


Relationships are defined as the way in which two or more people or things are connected.

All the money in the world and all the achievements in the world will never fulfill you unless you have the people you care about the most besides you.

There is no definite answer on which is the most beautiful relationship in the world. It all depends on you, and who you consider the most important person in your life. But through my personal opinion and research, I came up with 4 of the biggest and best relationships in the world.

Name Of Relationship (Ranked From Best)Reason
1) Romantic relationship with your best friendThe foundations of the relationship are based on kindness, respect, and loyalty. Best friend romances are best because the friendship part will be there for you even when love ceases to be.
2) FriendshipNot everyone can hold and accept your madness and truest self. True friendships accept you for who you are.
3) MarriageMarriage is a beautiful concept, in which a man and women form not just a physical union but an emotional and spiritual union. It provides an opportunity to grow in selflessness as you serve your wife and children.
4) Relationship with your familyPositive or negative parenting has a direct relationship with how it shapes us, and we become adults. 
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